This fizzy concoction is not for the faint of heart. Although history claims this an American classic, its appeal is to the all-Australian male - with a title that embodies everything a true blue bloke would profess to enjoy. With its no nonsense packaging, this is the hardest of the soft drinks. If a neat scotch isn't on hand, and you've got a manly sized thirst ... this is the alpha-aluminum of the vending machine.
Considering myself a worldly woman, I enjoy a bit of culture. This seemed an exotic choice - unusually blending fruit, fizz and milk. Intensely sweet, this is what I imagine it would taste like if you melted down a packet of berry starbursts and strained the juice. However, this is not the type of culture you can cellar ... after a day open in the fridge it's best tipped down the sink, and not as a compliment to your brioche for Sunday brunch.
If there were 'super soft drinks' akin to 'super foods' - this would be the star. Made with Aloe Vera juice, a plant extract known mostly for its many extraneous benefits, such as cooling your sunburn to aid a sexy tan and prevent a mass of reptilian like skin shedding... I discovered it's also allegedly the answer to all my internal issues. The Aloe Vera plant is packed full of vitamins and minerals, and is supposedly beneficial for detoxification and digestion when consumed. So if you are ever going to feel good about guzzling a sugar laden soft drink - this one is it. Not to mention it has aloe pieces that are like the surprise toy in your Frosted Flakes - not only do you get to drink nature's syrupy sweetness, you get to eat its gummy lollies too. SUPER.
Cafe Au Lait ala can. This was the way to wake up when travelling in Japan, where everything comes as a letter-number combo from a machine. It was the double hit of sugar and caffeine conveniently available from your hostel's common room. Genius. Sure it might not stand up to the coffee snobbery of inner city circles as far as quality of bean, creme of milk, and other la di da poo poo. But it tastes pretty damn good. So if you're too late to leg it to your favourite local and wait for Alessandro to put a love heart in your latte ... or if you're short that extra 1.50 for the low fat soy, extra sprinkles pick me up you crave ... this is the way forward. It's just like iced coffee - except made on 10 of those UHT milks you get from hotel mini bars, and swirled with shitloads of sugar syrup.
In my experience Yeo's are to Pokka what Star Cola is to Coca-Cola. Though if you're going to Yeo, this is some of their better produce (steer clear of the Soy Bean Drink, aka 'Arse en la Can'). It's the juice of Lychees - canned. Tasty. Nuff said.