So ordinarily people would say I was a little spacey, sure. Today, however, I was on an undiscovered plane of existence...
First was work experience, where I media assist for a hard-working bunch of people at a non-profit organisation. I spent two hours formatting - and one hour actually constructing sentences. The air-conditioning was down, so in addition to being nutrient starved I also felt like I was working in a cryogenics lab. Someone's fragrant thai lunch wafted through the office to taunt me. All I really wanted though, desperately, was a cup of tea. I have been brainwashed by those lipton advertisements that are supposed to come off all scientific fact like -
'ever wondered why your head feels clearer after a tea at 3 p.m?' ...
This is now a reflexive of my mind-tank every time I sit down to a task that is going to take more than the 5 minutes my attention span likes to allow. I've come to realise tea as my functioning fuel.
Then to work, at a restaurant. It's fancy and the people who work there have gold badges to mark their cultured-ness. Like war heroes, except instead they battle through the fields of wineries, service tables, and answer to the spit flinging orders of a commanding officer who cooks. I had trouble using my words. A lot. Granted spokesman ship is not usually my strong suit - I took vague and made it an adjective requiring a whole new word. Neu-vague, you might say.
Strangely, by the end of the evening I was beginning to enjoy this new found emptily floating, dream-walking feeling. It was like lovely, wow...
That vacant eyed, etherealness ...
Maybe it's not just an expression that clothes-walkers put on.
Maybe they've just had a long day and are really famished.
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