Friday, May 20, 2011

5hrs and counting! The light is in sight!

This week has been surprisingly insightful to all of us about our spending of money on food and beverages and although we all agree that we need to be more frugal there is a thought that we keep coming back to…. What we want to eat at midnight?

Throughout the week this became a motivation and many conversations centered on cravings and what that glorious meal would be. It is 5 hrs till midnight when the challenge finishes and this topic is becoming the only subject of conversation and thought. So what will it be …? We are tossing up all the fast food options that are available to clog our arteries at this hour of the night. So far we have narrowed it down to: a zinger burger at KFC, a sundae at McDonalds, a mini burger from lord of the fries or Singapore noodles from noodle world or alcohol. I would love to opt for all of the above but that might just defeat the point of this week just a bit too much.

Oh well 4hrs and 33minutes to decide…


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