Monday, May 16, 2011

Challenge Accepted! -Day 1

The challenge is ridiculously easy; I am breezing through it without a craving in the world…… NOT!

Okay, okay so it is only the first day, and although I am not about to go hunting for pigeons to roast there are things that I did not factor in when preparing for this week.

Number 1: Sugar rehab…

I am somewhat hindered to start with as my diet normally consists of chocolate, lollies, sugar…. Basically I’m what one may label, unhealthy, a campaigner for the goal of diabetes. According to an article I recently read (today while trying to distract myself so I don’t start eating the sugar tablets from my pill packet) sugar addiction is actually a real thing, or according to the Department of Psychology at Princeton University it is. Apparently my usual substantial intake of sugar makes my brain release a lovely dose of opioids and dopamine into my body and this has addictive potential. Unlike the usual drug addict rehabilitation symptoms this one has only the burning desire to take children’s’ candy right from there taunting little mouths.

Number 2: All night long…. What without caffeine!

Timing has never been a strong suit of mine. Many of my friends will attest to this mostly with fond memories of embarrassing stories where I have come away with the affectionate and appropriately chosen nickname Smellis. Loosely translated Smellis means quintessential unlucky chump. So when this week began (with a maggot in my oatmeal) it would only be fitting that it would fall on my most assessment packed and last week of University. Today was the first of these lovely timed assessment pieces with me completing an exam that had somewhat deprived me of sleep…. What I would have given for a freaking coffee today! This is definitely going to be my demise this week….

So in conclusion good first day. Can’t wait for the rest of the week.


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