Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 3 ... My life is so beige!

Okay so no joke it really isn’t that bad. There is still plenty to eat… even if it all sends you into a food coma an hour later. However it is soul crushing. I am writing this blog as I try to complete two pieces of assessment; both of which are about heinously boring topics; after coming home from my day of practical and what do I get to look forward, to a big bowl of bland, plain, almost tasteless pasta…. YUM and oh so EXCITING! Needless to say my spirit is crushed and I want preservative packed junk food to pick me up.

Speaking of spirits crushed… I was listening to this little girl’s speech in class today about her holiday. So I was sitting there after a lovely lunch of rice (another exciting meal that broke up my day) and could not keep my eyes open. I was doing the head bobbing up and down and as I fell in and out of consciousness kids were laughing and I am sure the girl felt very confident about keeping her audience, mainly me, entertained. Oh well toughen them up… It’s alright I picked up after I took a left over cold and flu that I had (you know the good ones).


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